Everything but the seat/tail section..
Love this bike. I wish the seat section sat down on the frame rails a little more. The exhaust is perfect.
Yeah, that open space just really breaks up the lines. Otherwise, perfect-o
I guess the tail section is removable for vintage racing, check the other pic(s)
"Everything but the seat/tail section"Yes, the bike looks confused. Otherwise it's everything an old bike should be. Beautiful - especially the tanks and exhaust.
Everything but the seat/tail section..
ReplyDeleteLove this bike. I wish the seat section sat down on the frame rails a little more. The exhaust is perfect.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that open space just really breaks up the lines. Otherwise, perfect-o
ReplyDeleteI guess the tail section is removable for vintage racing, check the other pic(s)
ReplyDelete"Everything but the seat/tail section"
ReplyDeleteYes, the bike looks confused.
Otherwise it's everything an old bike should be. Beautiful - especially the tanks and exhaust.