Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Everyone loves a freak!

And here are three. Non-conforming engines from Japan, America, and England all call the featherbed home.


  1. Pretty much anything with a Vincent motor in it is going to rule and that's no exception.
    Now the Yamaha, however...

  2. I stared at that XS photo for months when I was planning my featherbed years go. It's a well-done bike I couldn't find any more info or photos. It takes a lot of work to get an XS to 880 cc. The K, on the other hand, is as cool as cool can get. I ended up using an IH that never got finished.

  3. Yeah, that K model is pretty dope. Don't see that everyday.

  4. Hmmm. Weird pipe choices on all three, but plenty to like on all of them.
